Four Ways to Improve Your Leadership
Leadership Damone Brown Leadership Damone Brown

Four Ways to Improve Your Leadership

Paul in his first letter to the church of the Thessalonians leaves final instructions. In these final instructions, he urges the leaders to take four actions: to admonish, to help, to encourage, and to be patient. These same actions are relevant to leaders today.

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Are You in Denial?
Practical Theology Damone Brown Practical Theology Damone Brown

Are You in Denial?

There are many people in today’s military that claim to know God. They may display a gold and platinum chain with a cross hanging as a medallion or may even have gone through the physical pain to have the cross or the picture of Christ tattooed somewhere on them. However, the horrifying news is their actions do not reflect Him and worse, many of their actions are directly opposed to Him, therefore denying any credibility that they have a relationship to Him.

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