Black People Can’t Swim: Finding Faith to Defy Your Odds
Damone Brown Damone Brown

Black People Can’t Swim: Finding Faith to Defy Your Odds

When Damone Brown enlisted in the US Army, the path to the Army’s Special Forces was a rare journey for a black man. Few blacks existed across all military branches of Special Operations— Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. Among the millions of brave black men who serve, less than four percent have broken into the elite Special Forces and even fewer have become Combat Divers. Dive into the pages of this book to uncover the invaluable lessons Damone learned through the Army’s most grueling school: the Special Forces Combat Diver Qualification Course, known as CDQC or simply “dive school.”

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Do You Ask for Help?
Damone Brown Damone Brown

Do You Ask for Help?

We live in a society where men are often afraid to ask for help. It is a long standing joke that men are incapable of even stoping to ask for directions. Yesterday I met with a veteran. At the end of our time together, he thanked me for the time spent with him and said, “I was sitting outside the Veteran Service Center for over an hour, I am so glad I decided to come in. I could have never have gotten this help sitting outside.”

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Four Ways to Improve Your Leadership
Leadership Damone Brown Leadership Damone Brown

Four Ways to Improve Your Leadership

Paul in his first letter to the church of the Thessalonians leaves final instructions. In these final instructions, he urges the leaders to take four actions: to admonish, to help, to encourage, and to be patient. These same actions are relevant to leaders today.

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Are You in Denial?
Practical Theology Damone Brown Practical Theology Damone Brown

Are You in Denial?

There are many people in today’s military that claim to know God. They may display a gold and platinum chain with a cross hanging as a medallion or may even have gone through the physical pain to have the cross or the picture of Christ tattooed somewhere on them. However, the horrifying news is their actions do not reflect Him and worse, many of their actions are directly opposed to Him, therefore denying any credibility that they have a relationship to Him.

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